• Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), BSc Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2014-2021
    Thesis title: “Artificial Reverberation: History and Project”

  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), BSc Mathematics, 2015-2021

  • Beuth Hochschule Für Technik, Exchange Programme MSc Data Science, Berlin, 2018
    1.0 (best in class)


  • Software Engineering Lab (LES, PUC-RJ), Teaching Assistant, 2020
    Postgraduate data science course using the R/tidyverse ecosystem

  • Data Science Consulting (dat-sci), Data Scientist, 2019-2020
    Worked with third sector entities in implementing predictive policing and other data driven solutions to Public Security problems in Brazil

  • Software Engineering Lab (LES), Intern, 2018-2019
    Researched and applied data driven solutions using R/Rmarkdown relating to Legal practise

  • Department of Electronic Engineering (DEL, UFRJ), Teaching Assistant, 2016-2017
    Mathematical Methods for Electronic Engineering (Complex Analysis)

  • Images and Signals Processing Lab (LAPIS, UFRJ), Research Assistant, 2014-2016
    Optimisation numerical methods for the detection of evoked responses during photostimulation in electro-encephalograms

  • Private Tutor, 2011-present
    I work with school and University pupils. Subjects include: Mathematics (school level), Calculus, Linear Algebra, Physics, Complex Analysis, Probability & Statistics, Computer and Data Science


While playing keyboards, I have had the pleasure of working with a lot of wonderful artists such as: Jorge Mautner, Kassin, Stéphane San Juan, Alberto Continentino, Domênico, Bruno Cosentino, Diogo Strausz, Jacob Perlmutter, Jonas Sá, Matheus Torreão, Mari Romano, Luiza Brina, Ana Frango Elétrico, Mãeana & Bem Gil, Abayomi, Zabelê, Chay Suede, Evandro Mesquita, Pedro Luís, Péricles Cavalcanti, Antônio Saraiva and, in one opportunity, Caetano Veloso. You can check some recordings below.

Matheus Torreão:

Bruno Cosentino & Exército de Bebês:

Mari Romano:

Jacob Perlmutter & Diogo Strausz

Pedro Fonte:

Exército de Bebês (my old band):

I also like to do some transcriptions on my free time, you can check them on Musescore under a pseudonym.